I want you to know…

I want my children to know

I don’t expect perfection from them, because I don’t expect perfection from myself

I want to acknowledge that its possible for them to be in pain. Mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and acknowledge that I could possibly be the cause

Teach them to apologize by apologizing to them

That we aren’t perfect, that we make mistakes. That we are nothing greater then they are. That we aren’t necasarly wiser, or smarter, or better then them in anyway, but that God has set us as authority in their lives. We try our hardest to follow gods direction but we are still humans and still sometimes say and do things according to our flesh

They have so much value, their lives have so much value, that they are a precious gift from god and to cherish themselves and there lives

God created them to love and be loved. And that love is a choice

They don’t need to be valued by people to be valued in life.

God doesn’t love them or want them for the deeds they perform. He wants them for their hearts, we were created simply because God was lonely, and needed someone to love. You just have to let him love you.

Kameron and I love them for their hearts and not their deeds

I never want to belittle their pain or problems, they should no that every pain is important to God no matter how small

Its okay to know how to take care of themselves, but God never intended for them to rely on their strength. They should be dependent on him first, even though sometimes it will seem scary. I want them to learn how to out all their trust and faith in him even oif it means being vulnerable

I want them to know that theycan talk to us, they allowed to be in pain and make mistakes, they can talk to us ablut it.

Thst there is nothing to be afraid of, that god is greater and strionger the any darkness in life. But that its ok to be afraid as long as you don’t let it cripple and control you. Having courage is being afraid and knowing that you should move anyway.

Guard their mouths and tame their tongues because words are powerful

We love and care about the things that they love and care about. We want to encourage their hopes and dreams.

I want them to know that god can speak to them in many ways. That if they seek him they will find him. He is a creative and personal god and is not restricted to the church and the bible. He knows their hearts and will speak to them in ways that are best for them to understand, music, nature, books, even movies.

God doesn’t want obedient slaves, he wants love and companionship. He wants to be a friend, a lover.

Sin can be a burden, but god already carried are every burden when he died on the cross. Now our depts. Are paid and they never have to carry the burden of sin. If they are willing to give it to god he will take it.

I wan to be a servant leader, I should only expect from them what I expect from myself

They are loved, and always will be loved.

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