Things to know about a sensitive soul

In a world of harsh words and harsh people, a world of pain and anger, Sensitivity is almost a dead trait.

It’s something I can promise isn’t easy to bare. It’s even more difficult to understand. But the burden would be lighter, if people learned how to identify and handle a sensitive soul. Because Finding a soul like that in a friend, or a family member, or a spouse is like finding a needle in a hay stack.


An argument with a sensitive person runs deeper then it seems. They may appear to explode over something as small as, not putting the lid back on the toothpaste. But in their hearts there is something deeper going on, Anger or pain that they have been bottling up for a long time. It may seem like a small issue to you, but its all the emotion they have been bottling up over time, revealing itself. It could seem like the fight is about the cap off the toothpaste but to a sensitive soul it could feel something like, you’re being inconsiderate or uncaring, just disregarding something he or she needs or wants of you.


They tend to be deep. Things always go beyond the surface. It makes them appreciate the little things in life more. Allows them to find meaning in almost anything! They find a deeper meaning in actions, in words. Weather it’s good or bad. They will be content with a simple act of love, like ordering their favorite meal, or getting their favorite flower, it just says that you pay attention and listen to them. They will find a deeper meaning in everything you say, so be careful with your words. A simple slip of the tongue or a small insult can have so much more meaning then you think. It can pierce right into a sensitive persons heart, and can stick with them forever.


Sensitive people are more aware of things around them. Not physical things necessarily, more emotional, mental, spiritual things. They can sense a two faced person, a person in pain, a shallow person, and even a dead person pretending to be alive from a mile away. If it seems like they are avoiding a certain person or a place, there is probably a good reason for it. Something pulling on their heart strings, or something in there subconscious. A lot of the time sensitive people will not even know what they are doing or why, but just be patient and trusting that there must be a good reason.


They may seem shut off or distant around people. It’s just a defense mechanism, a way of guarding their hearts. They can fall in love with anyone, at any time. It’s a dangerous thing. When a sensitive person loves someone, they feel there every pain, every sadness, like it’s happening to them… Every struggle you have, every burden you bare becomes theirs. Loving someone that deeply is a blessing and a curse, it can leave you whole and broken at the same time. Don’t be upset if they seem like they’ve barricaded their hearts. Don’t take it personal if they seem like they are shutting you out. Just be patient and I can guarantee a sensitive person can’t help but love you, no matter how hard they try to shut the feeling off.



Shutting off goes hand in hand with their unconditional love. Once you have truly obtained the love of a sensitive soul, it can never be lost! You can be thousands of miles away for thousands of years, and that person will still love you. You could walk all over them and treat them terribly, and even though they might put you at a distance, they will still love you. Their sensitivity and love, is sometimes even against their will. They will forgive you, even if they don’t want to. Even if a sensitive person wanted to hate you, it would be impossible. Their love comes with no terms and conditions. It’s just there and will always be there, no matter how much pain it brings the barer.

Even though sometimes difficult to deal with, a sensitive soul is a treasure. Cherish it, buy it books and make it tea. Listen to a sensitive soul and let it soften your heart to deeper things.

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